Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday Sessions July 2nd

Session 1 Scanner Magic: Innovative Uses for the Scanner.

Dr. Michels from Missouri State University showed examples of how her students scanned 3D objects. You can lay items on the scanner, cover with paper or material and scan to use in worksheets, brocures, web page images etc. This was a very different way to use the scanner and maybe our speech kids could try this on their persuaive speeches!

Session 2--Poster sessions by a variety of teachers.

Blogging, Podcasting, and Smart Boards--Oh My!

A half day kindergarten program are trying their luck with this using Kid Pics and recording their voice to make a podcast!

Kinesthetic Keyboarding: Hop Down from Secondary to Second Grade.

This teacher showed how she had used a shower curtain and drawn a huge keyboard on it. Kids could dance on it learning the keyboard.

Free-nology: Free Technology Resources for Educators.

A variety of free web sites were shown for teachers. To many to list here, but have a CD with all of them!

Untangling the Web for Elementary Mathematics.

Find all you need to untangle the Web for elementary mathematics at Coucnil Rock's one-stop Web site!

Sessions 3: Make It Even Better: Windows Vista Tips and Tricks
This website is a wealth of tips for using Vista. Since I will have a mini lab in the library with vista and the new MS/HS lab also running Vista, I was particularly interested in this session!

Handouts from this session at

Peeked my head in A Disruption is Absolutely Coming: Computers Disguised as Cellphones but it is full. There are polls that students are answering with cell phones. It is a matter of time before the cell phone is actually a pwowerful computer. Disruption is nigh!

Audio is Great! Video is Cool! Ipods Can Do More!
Tony Vincent, Learning in Hand

The final keynote speaker was Idit Harel Caperton, President and Founder of World Wide Workshop

Social Networks, Wikis and Blogs are changing the educational landscapes. She presented her recent invention in 1:1 computing--the Globaloria Networks

We finished the Texas experience eating in an authentic mexican restaurant and picked up some souveneirs. While shopping for souveneirs, notice one clerk looked familiar--she was one of the finalists in Big Brother!

We were unable to get a flight out that night, so got up at 4:00 Thursday and headed home!

Great conference!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday Sessions July 1st!

Today started early! After having a bug crawl on me about 4:00, I was up for the day looking through the immense list of choices for sessions. Have found you have to get there early as they do fill up and you might not get in to what you want.

First Session: KeyNote Speaker

Jim Carleton and Mali Bickley are Canadian educators leveraging the collaborative power of technology to help their students help others worldwide.

Aided by the generous support of NBC's education division, Jim and Mali offer a multimedia-rich, onstage dialogue featuring their inspirational experiences and can-do insights on how they have transcended traditions in education to create dynamic, engaging learning environments. Jim and Mali will be interviewed by by prominent NBC journalist Lester Holt. Holt is the weekend anchor for NBC Nightly News, and is also co-anchor of the weekend edition of TODAY. by NBC- website that students and teachers can sign up to gain access to NBC News archives On-demand along with many other items

Connecting globally is the big thing and the archives look fantastic as resources for teachers.

Second Session: Apple From A-Z

What a surprise to see ALI back up and running! Our teachers taking TTL in 2000-2001 posted lesson plans to the Apple Learning Interchange as part of their TTL class. At that time, Apple was working with SD and gave us access to their server for this.

They have now added itunes U and some fabulous blogs to download and listen to in itunes.

Third Session: Football Field of Exhibits 2

Lots of good sessions to sit through in the exhibit hall. I think the next technology purchase for our school should be some $300-$500 laptops for elementary. I have been demoing them and am impressed. They are small, but pretty powerful. There are quite a few versions of the smaller laptops.

"Intel has created an ultra-low-cost laptop for school children in emerging markets. The "ClassMatePC" is available with Linux or Windows XP, comes with an "educational feature set," and is part of a program in which Intel plans to invest $1 billion over the next five years.
Intel describes the ClassMatePC as a rugged device with features similar to mainstream PCs. It's based on a mobile Celeron processor and is equipped with local (flash-based) storage and a built-in wireless network interface. Additionally, the unit sports a water-resistant keyboard and comes with a theft-control feature based on a network-issued digital certificate."

CSpan Bus was here. I went on and talked to them about bringing the CSPAN election bus to Garretson for our kids. Bob and I had seen the bus in Sioux Falls, so think his students might like to see it, especially with an election year! They also have a new resource for teachers.
This has downloadable and searchable videos, is standards based content and has a liberal copy right policy to allow educators to record and keep CSpan produce programming for classroom use. It's free and looks like a great resource for teachers!

Atomic Learning, Nettrekker are both here and showing what is new. Atomic learing has a desktop search which I will install for all desktops this fall to quickly find tutorials.

Supper with ProQuest

Ginny, Misty and I were invited to a supper with Proquest, a subscription database for online research resources. It took us 3 hours to get through all 6 of the courses.

Course 1: Appetizers--bacon wrapped quail legs, shrimp cocktail, crab pinchers, cold salmon, and escargot
Course 2: Soup--chilled passion fruit melon soup with pepper!
Course 3: Salad with balsamic vinaigrette and pine nuts
Course 4: To clense the palate Kiwi sorbet
Course 5: Main Course--choice of larger steak, smaller steak and shrimp (which I had), lamb chops, or salmon all served with garlic mashed potatoes and steamed asparagus
Course 6: Coffee and Dessert--I had the crème brulee but could have had cheesecake

Came back and sat in the hot tub, which wasn't very hot!

Great way to end the day!